Friday, February 27, 2009

Of all the days...

I know I just posted, but this I wanted to share. Chavez and I were just evacuated from our apartment by a very nice fireman who informed us that there was smoke upstairs that they were investigating, and to please put on a coat and leave the building. Now normally, I would not mind having to talk to a cute fireman and then go outside to look at 10 more while they carry around heavy hoses and look important. However, the neighbor upstairs decided to start a fire in her garbage can on the morning that I have no place to be, am in my sweaty gym clothes still, and have NO makeup on. None. And I have a yappy dog trying to attack said fireman. Don't get me wrong, I know I am a happily married woman with a cute guy of my own, but still it would have been nice if I had at least not smelled like a sweaty gym sock. And looked like one too.

P.S. The firemen were not in fact shirtless, but there were some cute ones.

P.P.S. If for some reason my husband reads this post, I love you and you look better than all of these guys:)


Jonas and Devin said...

If firemen really looked like that - and worked without their shirts - I would start my own fires.

But alas I have my own "fireman" of sorts. He drives a dalmation truck and still looks hot :)

TravandNat said...

Of Course! Things like that always happen when you are least ready for them! Ha!