Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Feeling my age...

I have pics from Father's Day to post, but not with me at work, so those will come. I just want to vent about something that we talked about in my class last week. My professor was discussing with us the realities of being a teacher to this new techie generation, and having us brainstorm ways that we can use technology in our teaching since that is how we can connect to today's kids. While I see the obvious merit in including technology in the classroom, the professor, who I might add is a techie herself, was implying that without constant technology in the classroom we will not reach our students. Sigh. I am self-professed computer-challenged most of the time, and besides that point, what the *#% happened to using your imagination!!!! I swear that kids are starting to lose the ability to entertain themselves without the aid of a television, computer, or whatever the crap those little hand held video game things are called. I am falling into depression about this. I am holding on to that little speck of hope I have inside of me that I will be the kind of teacher that uses technology, sure, but that can also bring back using the MIND. My kids will read books and learn to love them, even if they are downloading them onto their Blackberries and IPhones. Sigh again. Any words of wisdom or hope are encouraged...

Monday, June 15, 2009

We made it one year!

Yesterday was our one year anniversary! I can't believe it's been a year already, it's scary how fast the time goes by. We definitely had our ups and downs, but overall it's been a great year. Here are a couple wedding pics, to remember our day one year ago.